It’s impossible to not say this – the year 2020 is in desperate need of some Christmas Spirit, or ‘the spirit of giving’. So much has been taken from us all this year due to a global pandemic.

While we have discovered a new-found appreciation for the many things that we once took granted for, I feel it is important to really indulge in the spirit of giving that makes its presence felt at this time of the year.

There is truly something magical about the emotion that’s invested in the spirit or the art of giving. Generosity falls in line with a core universal law – what you give, you receive several times over.

It could be a simple gift to mum and dad, helping out someone in dire need or performing an act of kindness – you know how special and truly wonderful it feels. It’s a glowing feel that envelopes you and warms you to the very tips of your toes!

Now, what if I were to tell you that this ‘spirit’ or emotion can actually help you realise your goals in the new year? All you have to do is find a way to keep the magic going all year, instead of just enjoying it for one season.

Christmas Cheer Will Give You Excellent Health & Much More!
That’s right! Scientists around the world have been able to prove that ‘Vitamin Happy’ is as important as any supplement out there. It protects your heart health – quite literally! It also boosts your immunity system, combats stress and gives you a longer lease on life.

When you are happy (or stuffed with Christmas spirit), you tend to be more confident, optimistic, and energetic. You’re more likely to stick to your goals and inspire trust in others. You don’t need a candy cane or some mistletoe – just hang onto the feeling and inspire yourself throughout 2021.

The Spirit of Giving Comes Infused With Gratitude!

If you’ve been following my articles, then you’ll know that Gratitude inspires Happiness, not the other way around (in case you haven’t check out how by clicking here!)
Gratitude is the most selfless emotion you can experience at this time of the year – remember to check off the things that you’re grateful for, from the smallest to the biggest.

That attitude is beautifully irresistible, and it can rub off on people easily. When you are grateful, your inner image speaks volumes to those around you. Gratitude is an investment – in people and in the universe. It instantly transports your mind to being more accepting to people around you and understanding their whys, which in turn will help you understand how to acquire your goals better.

True Giving Requires Real Research!

I feel that the universe holds many incredible lessons for us that are just waiting to be learnt!  It is up to us to look out and spot them, then unveil and understand their value. Consider this as an example: Nothing, not even money can hope to match the value of a well-researched Christmas present. You have to know the person you’re buying it for, pay attention to the conversations they’ve had with you, consult others who know them as well. Once you’ve done your research, then comes searching for the perfect present itself!

Can you remember the last time someone did that for you or you undertook this activity for someone? It’s a beautiful feeling, right?

What I take away from this is the value of educating yourself: check out my article on confidence and how it is inspired by knowledge. When you are certain about your subject matter, there is very little that can deviate you from the path of success because you have developed inner confidence that is unshakeable. I never get tired of repeating this: When you know what you know, you’ll always win!

The Spirit Of Giving Nourishes Creativity & Inspiration:

I find that inspiration is often thought of as synonymous with famous people, people changing the world in a way never done before, people performing amazing feats of valour and endurance, etc. For me, inspiration, however, is a fascinating phenomenon in that what many people don’t realise is – it is very easily available, and in huge doses around this time of the year!

Take a walk this year. Look at the Christmas decorations around you – the air is bursting at the seams with people’s creative efforts to make the very best of this year. I am always inspired by how different cultures around the world create their own versions of Christmas – that power of creativity and enthusiasm is inspiring. Inspiration fuels creativity, by opening one’s brain up to full capacity. Someone who is inspired will do much better work, even than someone else who might be more talented but not really inspired. And that just might be you for this coming year and the years to follow.

So this year, get into the Christmas spirit! Savour it, indulge in it and find ways to make the most of the energy that surrounds you and keep it going all year around to breathe life into your goals!

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