I often feel emotion stands for energy in motion. After all, emotions have a strong connection to the vibrations that we deliver to the universe. This is why there is a constant focus on curbing negative thoughts and emotions – high emotions manifest your desires and help you create your own reality.
When you believe in something, you can feel it, breathe it and taste it. It reverberates around you and the emotion, the intensity that you acquire from your faith is what translates your belief into your truth. If you can what it’s like to have what you want, the more you will have it.
Manifestation isn’t simply brought about by what you think, it also relies on what you feel. It is not just our thoughts we have to be mindful of, it is also our emotions and considerations. It is only then that we are independent and free to select our decisions and our actions instead of being subject to the opinions of others.
The feeling of having is loving and cherishing the thought, the idea of your wish. Surround it with emotions so you are motivated to move in the direction you need to. The more positivity you surround your desires with, the faster your desires are likely to manifest.
When I say surround, reach out to the material around you – material to read, watch, observe. Art and music that fills you up with gratitude and happiness and power. Choose the people you want to associate with, choose to engage with the things that will generate in you the feelings you want to experience when your desire manifests. When you are filled with a good feeling about yourself or something, that this is the direction you need to pursue to create – it is the very basis of the Law of Attraction.
Thought aids and abets your ability to generate and imbibe good energy. If you can channel your thoughts to generate emotion, you will gain momentum when your energies are low. This requires discipline and regular meditation to regulate your thought process. Remember the restrictions come from you, else when something is in motion, it will continue to move.
When your emotions match the energy you feel for the task you have aligned yourself to achieve, you are become what and who you really want to be more. The more the emotion, the higher the vibrations, the better the alignment.
Negativity is not a great motivator, because even if you do accomplish what you wanted, you won’t be happy after acquiring it. There is no peace, your soul is not aligned with your mind and your energies continue to be mottled instead of streaming in colourful harmony.
So if you want progress, recognise this simple fact: all your emotions deliver the life force that helps create and realise your deepest desires and your ultimate ambitions.
You must find ways to hold your emotions consistently in tune with your desires in order to derive vibrational harmony that will eventually result in their physical arrival into your world.